Process Maturity Readiness
Electronic Conversion of Processes
Multiple Platform Management
Centralisation of Process Data
Big Data For Small Business
Process Maturity Readiness
Following Bill Gates philosophy
The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that
automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.
Process Maturity Readiness is essential for Electronic Process Management to occur. For a process to be mature and ready to enable Digital Process Management
it should:
- have the process known. Preferably mapped.
- know the resources required to use and access the process
- know the levels of access for required resources to each part of the process
- know any approval requirements
- know the outcomes required for the process
- know the reports required to execute the process and metrics within the process
- know the future level of channel access required for the process
- know the future level of security required for the information within the process
- know the regulatory requirements that impact the process and preferably where they impact the process
- have available all forms and documentation required to complete the process
- know the levels of training and help requirements for the process when change management requirements occur
For further assistance in getting your process maturity to the level required for electronic process management contact Quality One
Electronic Conversion of Processes
Customising your software can help build your organisational robustness
When we first start a business, it's common to do things on a shoestring. We start out with cheap office furniture in a shared office space, fitted out with
secondhand or low-grade equipment. In fact, to build a successful business we usually do anything we can to get things moving, building the momentum that
drives us towards success, even though money is tight. The same applies to the software that we use. It's common to see new companies (and some mature and
older companies) using systems and processes based on components such as Excel spreadsheets, Access databases, text files, and lots of manual processes with
little or no automation and integration, limited redundancy and, usually, no backup.
As we grow our business, build cashflow and revenue, and achieve the success we've worked hard for, some things change. We might get a nicer office in a better
part of town, a custom workshop, and dedicated, fit-for-purpose equipment. However, often one of the things we continue to use is that first iteration of "our
system", that unique set of software and manual processes that lets us get the job done. Maybe there's a custom database or some macro's that Karen's son wrote
for us. But hey, it works, right?
At Quality One, we've lost count of how many times we've seen organizations that have millions of dollars of infrastructure, managed by manual processes and
data stored in Excel spreadsheets, with no proper back up and little if any integration or automation. It's almost that there's a feeling that says, if the
software does what we need it to do, no matter how many manual processes or manipulations we have to do to get it there, we put up with it.
We're working to change that. At Quality One, we want to show businesses how custom, fit for purpose software improves organizational robustness and
reliability, provides the ability to quickly build improvements for processes, facilitates integration between disparate components, and supports expansion
across multiple sites, whether nationally or internationally and moves the organisation toward Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0.
Some advantages we often talk about for custom software include:
- Custom workflows that conform to how you work.
- Seamless integration and operation between components.
Interrogation of data across applications, documents and tools for root cause analysis and change management
- Round-the-clock reliability and accessibility - store your system in the cloud for global access, or host it on your own systems for security and speed.
- The ability to grow with you - enhancements, modifications and new features over time.
- Multi-device support - need that spreadsheet on your iPad - no problem!
- Security models that suit your business needs and the levels of data access you want to provide.
- Data storage tailored to keep your data not only secure, but reliable, with the auditing, change management and compliance features that your industry requires.
- Backup and disaster recovery, to allow you to recover if the worst happens.
If you want to see how a custom software solution can propel your business to the next level,
talk to Quality One.
Multiple Platform Management
At Quality One we believe applications, tools and electronic process data should be accessible by all devices for maximum efficiency to the organisation and
its personnel. This includes:
For further assistance in developing applications across multiple platforms please
contact Quality One
Centralisation of Process Data
While Industry 4.0 can potentially lead to a decentralisation of manufacturing it is only truly capable of doing so when process data is centralised and
is accessible and analysable across the entire value chain including the supply chain. All data does not necessarily need to be stored in the same place
and in the same database but the ability to robustly connect the data points in an efficient and business logic fashion to enable reporting and analyses
for sound decision making and continuous improvement is the imperative of:
- Big data analytics and advanced algorithms
- Internet of Things (IoT) platforms
- Authentication
- Data visualization and triggered "real-time" training
- Which includes the drivers of
- Digitization and integration of vertical and horizontal value chains
- Digitization of product and service offerings
- Digital business models and customer access
In most cases this will mean organisations need to embark on electronic conversions of processes, development of tools applications, investigation, integration
and migration of existing data sets. This should be a planned event not an organic one.
In response to the challenge of centralised reporting of process data Quality One is developing iProgent™ EIMS system based along Organisational Robustness
Analysis themes which integrates process data throughout the process value chain. The iProgent™ software will include and integrate with
APQP Professional software in the same development group.
For further assistance in planning the data migration of your organisation to a centralised reporting process data system or iProgent™ please
contact Quality One.
Big Data For Small Business
Wikipedia states Big data challenges to include capturing data, data storage, data analysis, search, sharing, transfer, visualization, querying, updating,
information privacy and data source. Big data was originally associated with three key concepts: volume, variety, and velocity. When we handle big data,
we may not sample but simply observe and track what happens. Therefore, big data often includes data with sizes that exceed the capacity of traditional
software to process within an acceptable time and value.
Don’t think your business is big enough for Big Data? What are the future plans for the smaller enterprise? At Quality One we believe all business is in
the business of growing and as such need to plan for big data requirements as the business grows.
This can be a daunting proposition. If you looking for help in planning and approaching the Big Data question to help your smaller enterprise grow and
deliver Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0 requirements and measure and analyse what is important to the organisation and its growth please
contact Quality One.