Friday 17 January 2025

Quality One Australia

Developing Process Maturity

Developing Process Maturity  Developing Process Maturity Training  Developing Process Maturity Consulting

Developing Process Maturity

Organisational Process Maturity Survey Organisational Process Maturity Survey
Conducting As Is State Conducting the As Is State
Process Maturity Score The Process Maturity Score
Process Maturity Gap Analysis Process Maturity Gap Analysis
Planning To Be State Planning to the To Be State
Delivery of Process Maturity Tool Templates Delivery of Process Maturity Tool Templates
Process Maturity Score Progression Process Maturity Score Progression

Developing Process Maturity Home Organisational Process Maturity Survey

The first step in determining the current level of process maturity is to conduct an Organisational Process Survey - this allows for the As Is state to be revealed.

The survey covers the levels of process delivery in key areas of process development. It should establish the levels of maturity of the organisational process capability and the administrative system that has the objective of reducing the burden to deliver the required level of capability.

Survey questions would include whether process elements are present and the levels they are developed to. As an example questions could be but are not limited to:

  • Are process maps present
  • Do process maps include
    • A SIPOC View
    • Swimlanes to indicate resource requirements
  • Is there an explanation of language and nonclemanture present
  • Are KPI present for processes
    • Does KPI include the physical targets of the product
    • Do KPI represent customer expectation levels
    • Are KPI linked to critical and significant process/service/product characteristics
    • Is there analysis of process interaction for conflicting KPI
  • Is a process hierarchy present
    • Is the hierarchy in distinct levels
    • Does the process hierarchy match reporting requirements
  • Is a process interaction matrix present
    • Is the risk of each process identified
  • Are processes and process maps linked to procedure documents
  • Are the skills required to deliver each process present
    • Are the skills required linked to the training matrix
  • Is the ability to conduct change management of a process present
    • Is process documentation version controlled
    • Can the organisation identify all the process documentation and administration touch points of the change
Questions on personnel and data should also be introduced in the Process Maturity Survey. To seek assistance in implementing an Organisational Process Maturity Survey please contact us via our contact page.

Developing Process Maturity Home Conducting the As Is State

The Organisational Maturity Survey is a first step in discovering the As Is state. The As Is state is simply the current level of process management and process maturity in the organisation. The As Is state will determine the actions and activities that are required by the organisation to reach the triumvirate of process elements - personnel, process and data - integrating in collaboration to continuously improve each element.

The As Is state requires further investigation beyond the survey to realise the current process position and level of process maturity. The survey asks for the presence of process elements and the type of evidence that may or may not exist with them. The As Is state actively seeks the evidence for each process within the organisation and the level of maturity in each.

This leads to process maturity scores and gap analysis to allow the organisation to reach the To Be state. To seek assistance in conducting the As Is State please contact us via our contact page.

Developing Process Maturity Home The Process Maturity Score

The Process Maturity Score defines the level of maturity of individual processes and each escalate to an overall score for the organisation. The process maturity score is based on the results of the process maturity survey and the As Is state and can be a progressive score that is updated after process actions are delivered from gap analysis, audit actions and continuous improvement programs etc.

In a well developed mature management system that delivers to Personnel, Process and Data the process score can be calculated as part of the electronic driven management system as a continuous audit process enhancing any continuous improvement program.

The process maturity score is calculated by using data on the presence of key process elements across all levels of the process hierarchy determining the levels of maturity for personnel, process and data.

Personnel, process and data considerations include but are not limited to:

  • All skills captured for all personnel
  • Each process having a SIPOC view
  • Process maps for each process at the instructional level
  • KPI being attached to process
  • Process Risk being calculated for each process
  • Personnel roles being rated in terms of risk
  • IDP (Individual Development Plans) for personnel created on the basis of risk in process and personnel roles
For assistance in implementing a process maturity score in a process maturity model please contact us via our contact page.

Developing Process Maturity Home Process Maturity Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis is achieved by taking the As Is state and the To Be state and analysing the differences. The differences become the actions to reach the To Be state. Gaps are considered in the three main elements of Process Maturity Personnel, Process and Data and can include:

  • Personnel
    • All personnel are included in at least one process
    • All skill required for processes are captured in the Skills Matrix
    • Gaps in skill requirements to deliver IDP
  • Process
    • Measurements are attached to the processes required
    • Procedure, Work Instruction, Policy documents exist for each appropriate process level
    • Process maps exist and are up to date for each required process
  • Data
    • Is collected on each required process
    • Is accessible by those who need it
    • Is used in managemnent decisions
Process Maturity Gap Analysis
Well structured management systems will have a continuous view of these gaps along with the process maturit score. Organisational Robustness Analysis is the key theory that underpins the continuous gap analysis capability.

To seek assistance in implementing Process Maturity Gap Analysis please contact us via our contact page.

Developing Process Maturity Home Planning to the To Be State

Planning to the To Be State includes all the actions that come from the gap analysis and any audit activity that results in actions. Enterprise Integrated Management Systems is developed to be the continuous view of the To Be State and has its grounding in Organisational Robustness Analysis which contributes to delivering the requirements of Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0. Well developed electronic management systems will be capable of defining gaps and placing them as actions in a To Be State plan as a continuous task list as the To Be State is delivered. The ultimate end To Be State is the delivery of personnel, process and data in balanced union. The data feeds improvements in process and personnel, Processes reveal potential requirements in personnel, data and other processes and personnel seek and analyse better ways of delivering processes and data requirements as the processes and data have identified their areas of weakness to update the personnel's capability. For assistance in Planning and Implementing the To Be State please contact us via our contact page.

Developing Process Maturity Home Delivery of Process Maturity Tool Templates

Tool Templates are part of the successful delivery of processes to their KPI. Tools can be developed independently of each other but in an ORA/EIMS high process maturity environment tools and their measures need to be robustly connected. This will allow for in depth analysis across all processes across the organisation and have a deeper understanding of the Big Data view within the organisation.

When we first start a business, it's common to do things on a shoestring. We start out with cheap office furniture in a shared office space, fitted out with secondhand or low-grade equipment. In fact, to build a successful business we usually do anything we can to get things moving, building the momentum that drives us towards success, even though money is tight. The same applies to the software that we use. It's common to see new companies (and some mature and older companies) using systems, tools and processes based on components such as Excel spreadsheets, Access databases, text files, and lots of manual processes with little or no automation and integration, limited redundancy and, usually, no backup.

At Quality One, we've lost count of how many times we've seen organizations that have millions of dollars of infrastructure, managed by manual processes and data stored in Excel spreadsheets, with no proper back up and little if any integration or automation. It's almost that there's a feeling that says, if the software does what we need it to do, no matter how many manual processes or manipulations we have to do to get it there, we put up with it.

We're working to change that. At Quality One, we want to show businesses how custom, fit for purpose software improves organizational robustness and reliability, provides the ability to quickly build improvements for processes, facilitates integration between disparate components, and supports expansion across multiple sites, whether nationally or internationally and moves the organisation toward Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0.

Some advantages we often talk about for custom software include:

  • Custom workflows that conform to how you work.
  • Seamless integration and operation between components, new tools and existing tools.
Interrogation of data across applications, documents and tools for root cause analysis and change management

  • Round-the-clock reliability and accessibility - store your system in the cloud for global access, or host it on your own systems for security and speed.
  • The ability to grow with you - enhancements, modifications and new features over time.
  • Multi-device support - need that spreadsheet on your iPad - no problem!
  • Security models that suit your business needs and the levels of data access you want to provide.
  • Data storage tailored to keep your data not only secure, but reliable, with the auditing, change management and compliance features that your industry requires.
  • Backup and disaster recovery, to allow you to recover if the worst happens.
To seek assistance in implementing Process Tools please contact us via our contact page.

Developing Process Maturity Home Process Maturity Score Progression

As the plans for the To Be State are met the process maturity score should develop to an azimuth. However, the score will also be affected by changes internal and external to the organisation which can include:

  • Changes in government regulations
  • Requirements of new markets
  • Updates to industry reqgulations
  • Updates in safety requirements
  • New competition
  • New technology
  • Changes in market forces and perceptions
  • Internally
    • New products, services and processes
    • New discoveries
    • Changes in organisational strategy and policy
    • Personnel turnover
For assistance in progressing and implementing process maturity or implementing an iProgent™ system in your organisation please contact us via our contact page.

Forthcoming courses

There are currently no upcoming training courses scheduled. We add more courses regularly, so please check back soon.

Latest News

8D Virtual Training


8D Virtual Training
The next virtual 8D training course has been scheduled for the 30th and 31st of January 2023.


2022 Quarter Four Training Schedule


2022 Quarter Four Training Schedule has been released with training in Melbourne, Brisbane, Auckland and online in FMEA, 8D, Process Mapping, SPC, and MSA.

Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training Melbourne


Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training
The next Lean Six Sigma White Belt training course in Melbourne has been scheduled for the 8th of July 2022.


Quality One - Discover the Value

Quality One Australia was first established as Quality Associates Australia in 2005 due to an overwhelming response for its partner company, Q1 - Quality One USA to provide quality training, consultation and facilitation services to various industries throughout the South East Asia region.  We rebranded in 2018 to more closely align with our US partner.

We specialise in end to end process and quality management from initial education, training, curriculum and certification ( Lean Six Sigma , 8D , FMEA, APQP, SPC etc. ) through to the implementation of quality management, electronic management and business and process improvements across your organisation. We deliver change, improvement and solutions to organisations locally, throughout Australia, across the Asia region and globally through our Q1 network.

If you desire this level of excellence then let us help you achieve your goals.
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