Systems Thinking
Organisational Robustness
Organisational Robustness Analysis
Enterprise Integrated Management Systems are the next step from Business Management Systems (BMS) and Quality Management Systems (QMS) as it recognises that all
parts of the business system are integrated and inter connected. It works on the axiom that if one area of the business is failing others will be affected and the
flow on effect will potentially create issues for the broader organisation. On the positive side it will also reveal an understanding of activity influences that
will result in positive outcomes for the business. For instance, increasing SEO values through a development and website upgrade process will potentially increase
sales for the business. Sales and order data increases will require analysis into product and process capacity in order to deliver new sales - if capacity is too
low then action should be taken and the management system should be capable of transparently extracting the relevant data and even perform the necessary analysis
for the action to be taken.
While some integration of Management Systems refer to integrating all management systems so identical or similar clauses are covered only once in audit systems
(ISO) EIMS goes the step further to be able to analyse all required standard management systems across all processes, personnel and data in the organisation and the
affect one process change may have on all the processes and hence all other required management systems.
Each recognised management system:
- Quality
- Environmental
- Safety
- Energy
- Food Safety
- Information Security
- Compliance
along with their particular industry equivalent systems can be influenced, affected and enhanced by changes in any process within the organisation which can also be
influenced by personnel, process and data capability and results potentially at any point or level within the organisation. EIMS is the robust practice and type of
management system that can detect, warn, reveal and action all the required elements across all required management systems and across all process, personnel and data.
EIMS is the organisational approach that delivers true response to Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0 across the entire organisation.
While Industry 4.0 delivers:
- Digitization and integration of vertical and horizontal value chains
- Digitization of product and service offerings
- Digital business models and customer access
and Quality 4.0 responses and integration to Industry 4.0 includes:
- Data
- Analytics
- Connectivity
- Application Development
- Scalability
- Management Systems
- Compliance
- Culture
- Leadership
- Competency
they all lie at the heart of an Enterprise Integrated Management System.
EIMS has the view that at some point all process within the business are part of a value chain and have influence on each other. If a process is not part of any value
chain then in short it is redundant and potentially a silo that is operating outside the EIMS and the organisational objectives and strategy. While EIMS as a theory
is sound and Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0 can be considered drivers of EIMS the organisation will require a view of what
is and
how does it get to the point
of an EIMS being implemented.
Please click here for more information on EIMS
Organisational Robustness Analysis (ORA) is the recognition that all processes within an organisation are connected to each other either directly or through the
value chain of processes in the organisation. ORA is a methodology designed to deliver an
Enterprise Integrated Management System (EIMS)
to an organisation that is scalable in its approach and can be delivered in a modular fashion to allow the organisation to continue business and grow its process maturity
over time.
At the core of the organisational robustness analysis system is the connectivity between all business elements within the system. Each element, or tool, is connected
to its neighbouring element through a common piece of data or information. This allows for a broader range of reporting and analysis of the organisations management
systems including analysis of risk faced in its day to day operations. All elements, tools and data are connected to each other to allow for reporting in a system that
would otherwise have disparate elements that would not fully consider the flow on effects of change management and measurement implications.
Robustness incorporates the concept of reliability and refers to the ability of the organisation and its system to absorb and withstand positive and negative changes
both internal and external including new opportunities, competitor influences, market influences, personnel changes, technology changes, customer profile and requirements
changes, regulatory changes, unpredicted events and so on.
Robustness data should be able to be tracked throughout the organisational management system. The data from one element in a robust system has the potential to effect
elements in neighbouring systems and subsequent systems and therefore needs to be monitored both as a direct result of the process it belongs to and in relation to its
potential correlated effect on other processes or elements. A truly robust system will be able to track all data through the entire management system and determine where
actions need to be taken in response to the data output.
Systems Thinking
Systems thinking is a management discipline that concerns an understanding of a system by examining the linkages and interactions between the components that comprise
the entirety of that defined system. Systems thinking is the paradigm that creates a loop between analysis and synthesis within the organisational management system
and is a holistic approach to analysis that focuses on the way that a system's constituent parts interrelate and how systems work over time and within the context of
larger systems.
The systems thinking approach contrasts with traditional analysis, which studies systems by breaking them down into their separate elements – a reductive approach.
System thinking needs to know the breakdown of constituent parts but also requires knowledge of how these parts interact and affect each other. Simple analysis works
well where low connectivity and interdependency exists but as this grows so does the need to synthesise into systems thinking.
The age of big data, Industry 4.0, Quality 4.0 drive and underpin the need for the systems thinking approach. Robustness is the measure of how well systems thinking is
implemented within the management system of the organisation. Robustness and Systems Thinking are in unison with each other in lifting the maturity and benefits of the
organisational management systems which is manifested in the EIMS approach.
Organisational Robustness
Organisational Robustness combines System Thinking and Robustness to create an
Enterprise Integrated Management Systems (EIMS) that allows organisations to be impervious
to the effects of change while allowing and embracing internal and external change to occur within an understanding of how that change affects the entire system not
simply the area of the change.
The level of organisational robustness is determined by the maturity and connectivity of all the component parts within the organisational management system. Examples
of the level of organisational robustness which can affect the organisational robustness maturity include but not exclusive to:
- All job descriptions appearing in the organisational chart
- All roles in an organisational chart contain a job description outline
- All roles that have job descriptions have the required amount of personnel to run them according to the processes they interact with
- All processes have owners
- All roles are connected with processes as owners and executors
- All metrics are connected to processes
- All documents and forms have owners and are linked to a process or multiple processes
- The SIPOC chain/Value Chain of processes is articulated and kept up to date
- All artefacts from processes can be identified
- Change Management delivers a comprehensive view of affected artefacts when required
- All tools are linked to processes and roles and hence personnel skills
- And much more………
Organisational Robustness Analysis
Organisational Robustness Analysis is the output or outcomes of a mature
Enterprise Integrated Management Systems (EIMS)
that leads to actions that improve both the key strategies and objectives of the organisation, the metrics that drive the successful organisation and the maturity
and maturity score of the management system itself.
Analysis would include:
- Gap analysis of all management system elements
- Resource skills to deliver required levels of organisational output
- The ability of the organisation to deliver strategies and objectives
- Processes at risk of failure
- Succession Planning of Personnel according to risk to the organisation
- Change Management requirements from regulatory and industry changes
- KPI alignment between processes and process and personnel
- Supply Chain and Customer capability and impact
- Data gaps and requirements
- Internal and external benchmarking for improvement programs
Conducted with discipline ORA can:
- Maintain key organisational elements in real time
- Deliver organisations to adaptive levels from reactive levels
- Allow change management to occur with a full picture of its implications
- Allow analysis of performance across the whole business
- Indicate where measurements and processes may be in conflict
- Reduce and remove the appearance of silos in the organisation
- Identify redundant processes and roles within the business
- Allow for more efficient and productive restructuring
- Identify personnel person development programs in line with business strategy
- Predict issues before they arise
- And more……..

At Quality One we believe that management systems should be enterprise wide and not referred to as simply Quality Management Systems. When building management systems,
we endeavor to ensure the system is an
Enterprise Integrated Management System that reflects the robustness of process, data and personnel that
inherently exists within the organisation. Organisational Robustness Analysis is the cornerstone of building a management system that is enterprise wide and
integrated through robustness and systems thinking.
iProgent™ is Quality One’s Enterprise Integrated Management System software that is currently under development. iProgent™ will reflect the methods and robust
connections outlined in Organisational Robustness Analysis and takes the view that all parts of the organisation are interconnected at some point. For more information
please visit the
iProgent™ page of our website.