Wednesday 12 February 2025

Quality One Australia

Business Improvement Programs


Business Improvement Programs from Quality One

Process Maturity Assessment Process Maturity Assessment
Key Business Metrics Key Business Metrics
Customer Focus Business Focus Strategy and Measurement Customer Focus, Business Focus, Strategy and Measurement
Improvement Template Development Improvement Template Development
Organisational Capability Requirement and Delivery Organisational Capability Requirement and Delivery
Improvement Delivery Improvement Delivery
Program Reporting and Feedback Program Reporting and Feedback

Business Improvement Programs Home Process Maturity Assessment

In order for Business/Organisational Improvement Programs to succeed there needs to be in place the building blocks within the business/organisation that leads to sound improvements management targeted to the needs of the customer and organisation delivered through sound change management processes. Process Maturity Assessments can guide the business/organisation to the probability and likelihood of success of improvement programs and projects and provide the basis for gap analysis to idenitify the business foundation needs and requirements that in themselves can be improvement projects. While not absolutely necessary to be present for improvement programs their success is intensified with higher levels of maturity.

Process Maturity Assessment can and should include the identification and delivery or maturity levels of:

  • Process Chain - identification of the end to end flow of process. One process output is the input to the next.
  • Process Owners - a role in the business/organisation that is responsible and accountable for the process outputs and outcomes.
  • Process Documentation - the level and capability of the process documentation including the linkage between document levels and document robustness. For example the link between policy, procedure, process and work instructions
  • Business Strategy - understanding and links displayed from organisational/business processes to the business strategy. Weak links leads to undelivered strategy.
  • Regulatory Requirements known - all required regulatory requirements and the processes affected by them are known.
  • Data Management and Process Measurement - relevant data is collected and methods of reporting the data in the required time for decisions is adequate and realistic.
  • Capability Metrics - metrics in the process are directly related to the key characteristics of the process related to its outputs. In terms of product and process driven organisations the characteristics of the product are outlined in the process of manufacturing or build.
  • Realtime Process Management Response - the level and speed of response to data as collected from the process.
  • Process Feedback loops and change control - outcomes of processes are fedback into the management system and controlled through sound change management.
  • Enterprise Wide Integrated Management - the management system including data management and personnel management are fully integrated in robust understanding of each area of the business and how they relate to each other.
  • Robustness View and Understanding - the robust view of each component of the management system and its reliance on other components as inputs to its process and its outputs to other components in the business.
  • Risk Matrix View and Mitigation - identification of which process, roles and assets obtain the higher levels of risk in the business/organisation and the controls in place to mitigate them.
  • Management System Review - management systems are reviewed, audited and actioned.
  • People, Process and Data Review - Pesonnel, process and data collection and use capability are constantly reviewed as their own component and how they relate to each other.
  • Reactive, Responsive, Predictive and Adaptive Levels of Maturity - is the organisation/business in a reactive, reponsive, predictive or adaptive mode.
  • Program Capability Acceptance Level - programs of improvement have set requirements for projects and reporting in particular related to customer requirements, organisational bottom line, key metrics and strategy.
To seek assistance in process maturity assessments please contact us via our contact page.

Business Improvement Programs Home Key Business Metrics

Business Improvement Programs Business Metrics

Business improvement programs are invariably attached to key business metrics and the ability of the business/organisation to collect and analyse them. Business metrics in any improvement program should have the following attributes:

  • Metrics attached to customer requirements - process and product metrics are aligned to customer requirements, feedback and expectations. Product characteristic requirements flow robustly through to manufacturing and delivey process.
  • Robust view of Business Metrics and control measures - alignment is known between cause and effect of business process requirements and control measures are in place and monitored or eliminated. Cascading effects are analysed, monitored and actioned on the escalation of potential issues from work instruction to internal and external customer delivery.
  • Product and Process Key Characteristics - Robust measurments through product development process or APQP that align product key and special chracteristics through to the process of delivery and the process control plan that delivers process capability requirements.
  • Collectable - while collecting the correct data is vital it needs to be collectable and the manual or automated requirements set and known for the business improvement to occur.
  • Accurate and Precise - where required adequate measurement systems analysis is implemented on the collection of metrics
  • Definable within the management system - in an improvement environment data metrics should be identifiable within the existing management system
To seek assistance in setting up and analysing key business metrics please contact us via our contact page.

Business Improvement Programs Home Customer Focus, Business Focus, Strategy and Measurement

Business Improvement Programs Customer Focused Measurement

Customer Focus, Business Focus, Strategy and Measurement can be defined using a matrix view. In an impovement environment this is required to ensure all improvements and projects are delivering in the direction the business and customer base requires. This enables the right improvements to be chosen and prioritised. This would potentially include knowing and analysing:
  • All standards (ISO9001 etc) the business needs to deliver
  • All regulatory requirements within the business
  • All business deliverables and strategies
  • All customer requirements in particular those related to the improvement
  • The level of importance of any requirement and or consequence if any requirement is not delivered
  • The processes related to the improvement and their level of risk
For assistance in setting up the matrix view of customer and business strategy and measurment please contact us via our contact page.

Business Improvement Programs Home Improvement Template Development

Quality One can assist in the development of business improvement programs templates either as an application or as a template in business structured software. This includes:

  • Process Maturity Assessment Tools
  • Program Readiness Assessment Tools
  • Developing Report Delivery Templates - PMP, Lean Six Sigma
  • Developing Delivery Materials and Program Outlines
  • Program Delivery and Progress Tools
  • Program Risk Assessment Tools
  • Organisational Robustness Analysis Tools
For assistance in program and project tools development and organisational tools development please contact us via our contact page.

Business Improvement Programs Home Organisational Capability Requirement and Delivery

For improvement programs to be successful capability on the three main pillars within an organisation needs to be at adequate levels. For improvements to occur and be sustained personnel need to have an acceptable level of capability, processes need to be heading towards capability and have maturity in their approach and documentation and data collection and analysis needs to be targeted, collected in the most efficient manner and analysed in methods that feedback results and actions into the management system. The levels of each can determine the relative level of success of projects in business improvement programs but their absence should lead to new projects to update capability and be criteria in the selection and prioritisation of projects.

Business Improvement Programs People Process Data

In general people, process and data in terms of business improvement programs should be measured by:
  • People - Levels of Capability of Personnel in order to deliver processes and collect and analyse data
  • Process - Levels of Process Capability and Specification Delivery that deliver process results from collected data and can be identified by personnel
  • Data - Targeted data collection on key characteristics of process either automated or manual, real time or delayed time that allows accurate and precise data on process and personnel capability
For assistance in the balance of people, process and data and overall organisational capability please contact us via our contact page.

Business Improvement Programs Home Improvement Delivery

Quality One can assist, develop, deliver, maintain and report on your business improvement program. Click on the link to the contact page to enquire how we can help with any of the following in your business improvement program.

  • Developing Delivery Templates - PMP, Lean Six Sigma, Program Reporting
  • Personnel Capability Delivery - Targeted Training to feedback from the delivery of the improvement program
  • Project Reporting Development - Reporting on progression, ROI, Capbility, Targeted Metrics
  • Intranet Applications - networked applications delivery project and program reporting, application reporting and progress that updates real time from the project team reporting.

Business Improvement Programs Home Program Reporting and Feedback

Business Improvement Programs Project Progression Report

All business improvement programs require effective analysis, reporting, feedback and actions in order to deliver the highest yeilding results. This would include:
  • Project progression against methodology and reporting, current and overall value, realised and unrealised benefits
  • Project ROI (Return on Investment)
  • Hard Saves, Efficiency Saves and Risk Saves
  • Project Risk Assessment
  • Project Component Delivery and Capability
  • Project Resource Capability Matching
  • Project Resource Mapping
  • Organisation Wide Project Capability Levels
  • Program Feedback Response Delivery
  • Porgram and Project Status Reporting
  • Robustness Analysis on Project Delivery
For assistance in program and project reporting and feedback please contact us via our contact page.

Forthcoming courses

There are currently no upcoming training courses scheduled. We add more courses regularly, so please check back soon.

Latest News

8D Virtual Training


8D Virtual Training
The next virtual 8D training course has been scheduled for the 30th and 31st of January 2023.


2022 Quarter Four Training Schedule


2022 Quarter Four Training Schedule has been released with training in Melbourne, Brisbane, Auckland and online in FMEA, 8D, Process Mapping, SPC, and MSA.

Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training Melbourne


Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training
The next Lean Six Sigma White Belt training course in Melbourne has been scheduled for the 8th of July 2022.


Quality One - Discover the Value

Quality One Australia was first established as Quality Associates Australia in 2005 due to an overwhelming response for its partner company, Q1 - Quality One USA to provide quality training, consultation and facilitation services to various industries throughout the South East Asia region.  We rebranded in 2018 to more closely align with our US partner.

We specialise in end to end process and quality management from initial education, training, curriculum and certification ( Lean Six Sigma , 8D , FMEA, APQP, SPC etc. ) through to the implementation of quality management, electronic management and business and process improvements across your organisation. We deliver change, improvement and solutions to organisations locally, throughout Australia, across the Asia region and globally through our Q1 network.

If you desire this level of excellence then let us help you achieve your goals.
Learn More
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