Set Up Project Reporting Requirements
Set Up Project Templates
Organise Project Lead Reporting
Create Project Targets with Project Leads
Deliver Regular Project Reports and Analysis
Assist Project Leads
Deliver Projects
Set Up Project Reporting Requirements
iProgent™ Tracker
Quality One can assist your organisation with the reporting requirements of your organisations program projects.
Project Reporting Requirements would include:
- Project Charter and its components
- Project Cost
- Project Component Completion
- Project Component Feedback
- Project Progression
- Project Breakdown of Benefits
- Hard Saves
- Efficiency Gains
- Risk Reductions
- Overall Project Return on Investment
- Expected completion dates based on organisational project data
- Forecasting of benefits introduction into the organisation
- Determining timelines for future projects
- Current program value
- Realised Gains
- Unrealised Gains
Project reporting needs to be set up with alignment to overall program requirements. Projects escalate up to program level for program level reporting.
For assistance in project reporting set up within a lean six sigma program please
contact Quality One.
Set Up Project Templates
Project Templates that need to be set up in a Lean Six Sigma Program include:
- Project Charter
- COPQ/CODN Reporting
- Cost of Poor Quality
- Cost of Doing Nothing
- Process Mapping Standards
- Risk Analysis
- Data Collection Plans
- Measurement Systems Analysis Templates
- Cause and Effect Templates
- Return on Investment Templates
- Project Tracker Reporting
- Project Reporting
- Statistical Tools
- Lean Six Sigma Program Materials
Templates and tools need to be available for project leads to implement and execute in their projects.
Organise Project Lead Reporting
In a Lean Six Sigma Programs project leads need to report the progression of their project to the program lead, usually the Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt which
will then combined with other projects escalate in a Hoshin manner to Program Reporting.
The Project Lead Reporting Tool (iProgent™ Tracker) needs to cover:
- Level of completion of components of the project
- Financial Benefits of the Project
- Financial Costs of the Project
- Resource Requirements of the Project
- Risk Analysis of the Project against:
- Organisational Strategies and Objectives
- Resource Availability
- Common Points with other Projects
- Data Collection
- Processes
- Resources
- Equipment
- Personnel
- Expected Timelines
- High Risk elements of the organisation
- Risk Management Programs (risk-management-programs.aspx>
- Financial Return Expectations
- Realised Gains
- Unrealised Gains
- Unforeseen Benefits
- Unforeseen Roadblocks
- Progression through the use of Lean Six Sigma Materials
- Training Materials
- Project Diaries
Project reporting needs to be conducted on a regular and routine basis in order for program forecasting to be able to influence future decisions both in the program
and the broader organisation.
Good project reporting allows the program to learn from all projects to allow it to improve the way the overall program is conducted and implemented.
Create Project Targets with Project Leads
A key part of facilitating projects is to work with the project leads to ensure targets follow the SMART principle.
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Time Bound
This can be achieved by
- Having well defined project statements and objectives
- Defining the processes within the organisation the project is working on and with
- Understanding the metrics in the project
- What they are
- Where they come from
- Resource required to collect them
- Whether they are project specific or organisationally required
- Have a bottom line figure for the organisation
- All resource and personnel required for the project are
- Available
- Aware of the project
- Competent to deliver the project requirements
- The project aligns with organisational and customer requirements
- The timing of the completion of the project is known
- Defined roadblocks if any
- Risk analysis on the timing of the project steps
- Timing follows a forecast based on previous project performance
- Causes of delay and roadblocks are analysed and reduced or eliminated for future projects
Targets for projects form the basis of reporting by the project lead. A project can then be reported as on target or off target.
Deliver Regular Project Reports and Analysis
iProgent™ Tracker
automates the approach of project reports and analysis through regular input from the project lead. The project lead needs to ensure regular update of the questions
and data within the tracker application related to their project.
With regular updates by all project leads within a Lean Six Sigma Program project data can escalate to allow program reports to be driven at an organisational level.
Quality One promote at a minimum a weekly check in on the progress of the project. A weekly check in would include the percentage complete of all the project components
required in a Lean Six Sigma project shown in this
project reporting example
Assist Project Leads
As part of assisting in the facilitation of projects Quality One works with project leads in order to ensure that the progression of the project is on track. Using the
regular update through
iProgent™ Tracker
a Master Black Belt can assist the project lead by:
- Analysing the progress of project components meets the proposed timeline
- Assisting with roadblocks to get the project back on track
- Providing extra training and guidance in areas where the project may be stalling
- Providing guidance at each sectional tollgate
- Reviewing submitted project components
- Reviewing project statistical analysis
- Liaising with project sponsors to provide an environment for project progression
- Benchmarking the project progression against other projects in the organisation
Assistance can come in the form of
- Training Sessions
- Tutorials
- Face to Face Meetings
- Online Meetings
- Online Project Lead Meetings
- Email
- Phone
- Progressive Project Feedback
- Examination feedback where applicable
To seek assistance for project leads in your Lean Six Sigma program please
contact Quality One..
Deliver Projects
Delivering projects is the cornerstone of Lean Six Sigma Projects. As part of facilitating Lean Six Sigma Projects the facilitator or
Master Black Belt
needs to work with the project lead to make sure projects are kept on track and are completed to deliver the Return On Investment to the organisation.
Regular check ins and communication between the Master Black Belt and the Project Lead with liaison with the
Project Champion
and Sponsor are imperative to the success of a project and hence the overall program. A Facilitator and or
Master Black Belt must have the authority and priority
with the program champion and project champion and sponsor to make the necessary requests for the project to be completed. Organisations need to consider this when
appointing program facilitators and Master Black Belts – without it projects may find it difficult to achieve their organised SMART objectives.