Wednesday 12 February 2025

Quality One Australia

Industry Specific Programs


Industry Specific Programs

Defining Industry Requirements and Standards Defining Industry Requirements and Standards
Identification of Organisational Processes Identification of Organisational Processes
Identification of Process Owners and Executors Identification of Process Owners and Executors
Personnel Skills Matrix Match Personnel Skills Matrix Match
Training and Implementation Requirements Training and Implementation Requirements
Training and Implementation Delivery Training and Implementation Delivery

Industry Specific Programs Home Defining Industry Requirements and Standards

In order to establish an industry specific program for an organisation industry specific requirements and relevant standards need to be established. To enable identification of processes that need to be targeted the requirements within the industry and regulatory standards need to be identified. This would include standards and regulations related to:

  • The type of industry the organisation runs
    • Agriculture
    • Service
    • Production or Manufacturing
  • The structure of the business
    • Sole Proprietorship
    • Partnership
    • Corporation
    • Corporation and Limited Liability Company
    • Limited Liability Company
    • Dependant on Jurisdiction
  • The type of deliverables the organisation is attempting in relation to the industry
    • OEM
    • Supplier
    • Support Organisation
    • Design or Production or Delivery
  • The standards that must be met as against those chosen to be met
    • Government Acts
    • ISO standards
    • The requirements of the products and services in the organisation
Once the industry and standards requirements are identified the industry specific program can move onto identifying the organisational processes.

Industry Specific Programs Home Identification of Organisational Processes

In order for an effective industry specific programs to be put together related to the organisation an overall view of organisational processes is a must. With the knowledge of the organisations processes and the skills and competencies required to deliver them along with the frequency and timing of the process execution the level of resource requirement, skill and competency gap levels within the organisation and location of resource within the execution of processes can be ascertained.

To capture the organisational processes for industry specific programs the organisational process hierarchy needs to be established down to the instructional level. In general, the process hierarchy for an organisation follows these distinct levels.

  • Level 1
    • Organisational Level – organisation details, overall strategy and industry sectors defined
  • Level 2
    • Strategic – business departments/units that deliver the organisational strategy and key areas of business development
  • Level 3
    • Operational – processes within business departments that deliver the department/units requirements and objectives
  • Level 4
    • Instructional – micro view of process within the business department unit. Some processes at this level maybe in multiple business departments.
    Process should be captured to allow training requirements and delivery to be established which would include the skills and competencies required to execute each process. Where possible robustness between process should be established to strengthen the levels of competency in ownership and execution required for each process along with the equipment and tools required to deliver the process.

    Where required bespoke training is created to deliver the appropriate level of skill and competency across the organisation to successfully execute processes within the specified industry requirements. In some circumstances existing courses may exist to deliver the required competency and skill levels.

    A relationship between industry requirements and standards and the organisational process needs to be established to enable the prioritisation, level of detail required and contribute to the level of competency required in the training units to be delivered. This can be accomplished using a matrix approach.

    Once the processes, process frequency, process chain and relationship to industry requirements and standards has been established process owners and executors can be identified within the captured process hierarchy.

Industry Specific Programs Home Identification of Process Owners and Executors

While processes are being captured or validated each process should have an owner and executors attached to them. Each will have their own set of skills and competencies related to the process dependent on their role. Each process may have:

  • Multiple process owners
  • Multiple process executors
  • Appearances in multiple business areas/units
  • Multiple roles required to execute the process with different skill and competency requirements
From this data it is possible to ascertain the overall skill and competency requirements for each role in the organisation. This will be important when performing the gap analysis to industry requirements for the training program to be developed and implemented. It is important to check the job or role description documents to see if this data already exists and use it if it is robust enough to give the results required. Where there is no list of or an insufficient mention of skills and competencies required for a role in the job/role description documents the robust link should be created.

Once the skill and competency requirements are found for each organisational role, either as an owner or an executor, the organisational skill and competency matrix can be completed at a robust level.

Industry Specific Programs Home Personnel Skills Matrix Match

As part of a mature organisation there should be a personnel skills and competency matrix. The level of maturity of the matrix is dependent on the robustness the matrix has with organisational processes, personnel and asset resources. The skills and competency matrix should contain all the skills and competencies for all the personnel in the organisation and all the skills and competencies required by all the processes and assets resources and industry standards requirements within them.

The skills and competency matrix should contain:

  • All personnel
  • All required skills and competencies from the organisational processes
  • The level of competency obtained for each personnel against the required skills and competencies
With each personnel in a particular role and each role being attached to processes as an owner or an executor the required skills and competencies for each process can be matched to the skills and competencies obtained by each personnel. From that point gap analysis can conducted on:
  • Gaps in personnel skills and competencies in the requirements for their role
  • Gaps in resourced skills levels required for processes to run successfully
  • Gaps in the requirements to run asset resources
  • Gaps in the required level of competency and skill required to run processes successfully
  • Identification of industry requirements and standards that may or may not be met
Gaps identified will form the basis of the training and implementation requirements of the industry program.

Industry Specific Programs Home Training and Implementation Requirements

From the gap analysis training requirements can be obtained in relation to the industry specific requirements and the broader requirements of the organisation. The training requirements would include:

  • Training development requirements for each personnel
  • Training requirements to cover the needs of the organisational processes
  • Training requirements to close any gap for organisational requirements and standards
  • Training requirements to close any gap on the use of asset resources
Development of training in closing any established gap can be either bespoke written courses, off the shelf delivery or a combination of the two. In all cases the required level of competency needs to be considered and the method of assessment needs to match the organisational deliverable requirement in terms of risk and frequency of process delivery.

At Quality One we follow a 7D training development model to set up and implement the industry specific training requirements:

7D Model

The Define phase covers voice of customer (industry); stakeholder engagement; program links; learning cohorts; learning level definitions; resource, process and communication strategies; business strategies and objectives and so on. Define is a one pass course development phase that is revisited for continuous improvement as the program develops and matures with the organisations process and people management.
The Design phase covers training needs analysis; capability gap analysis as above; learning and assessment process; learning metrics; business strategy and process links; blended percentages; program induction meetings; steering committee initiation if required. Design is a one pass course development phase that is revisited with the introduction of each new course in the program. The intent of this phase is to set up templates and strategies to feed into the next phase.
The Develop phase covers populating the program set including visual aids; facilitator, participant, coaching, assessor, assessment guides; process guides; asset guides and so on. Program schedules are developed along with resource, communications and stakeholder development plans. The Steering Committee would sign off on all work developed including the work based learning activities integral to the assessment piece of course offering in the program.
The Deploy phase covers the assembly of resource assets and teams, the set up of administration in Training Assessment Learning Knowledge Systems, activating the 70-20-10 approach and ensuring all contingency are catered for in the delivery phase that gives the program ROI and BAU readiness.

Industry Specific Programs Home Training and Implementation Delivery

The delivery of the training program follows the set up of the implementation requirements
The Deliver phase covers the induction of all required team members (facilitators, coaches, assessors, stakeholders), delivering to the participants through the blended learning percentage, assessing participants, setting tollgates if required and the process of certification and articulation.
The Document phase begins parallel to the define phase and seeks to ensure documentation is covered through all phases from project plans to capturing competency and legacy data in the Training Assessment Learning Knowledge Systems to enable Workforce Capability Enablement.
The Debrief phase is the continuous feedback and improvement into the course, training development and the program. Continuous Improvement should be constant, regular, tracked and easy to implement to gain full and immediate effects. This would include obtaining data from the implementation of the content and process of all offerings in the progrma and enterprise body of working knowledge.

In the process of delivery implementation of skills and competencies into BAU can include:

  • Examination of content knowledge
  • Work based activity aligned to skill and competency requirements
  • Observation of skills and competency in the work-based environment
  • Projects aligned to skill and competency requirements
For assistance in industry specific training programs please Contact Quality One

Forthcoming courses

There are currently no upcoming training courses scheduled. We add more courses regularly, so please check back soon.

Latest News

8D Virtual Training


8D Virtual Training
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2022 Quarter Four Training Schedule


2022 Quarter Four Training Schedule has been released with training in Melbourne, Brisbane, Auckland and online in FMEA, 8D, Process Mapping, SPC, and MSA.

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Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training
The next Lean Six Sigma White Belt training course in Melbourne has been scheduled for the 8th of July 2022.


Quality One - Discover the Value

Quality One Australia was first established as Quality Associates Australia in 2005 due to an overwhelming response for its partner company, Q1 - Quality One USA to provide quality training, consultation and facilitation services to various industries throughout the South East Asia region.  We rebranded in 2018 to more closely align with our US partner.

We specialise in end to end process and quality management from initial education, training, curriculum and certification ( Lean Six Sigma , 8D , FMEA, APQP, SPC etc. ) through to the implementation of quality management, electronic management and business and process improvements across your organisation. We deliver change, improvement and solutions to organisations locally, throughout Australia, across the Asia region and globally through our Q1 network.

If you desire this level of excellence then let us help you achieve your goals.
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