SPC Training Content
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SPC Training Content
Process Stability and Capability are primary desires of any industry, manufacturing, government or service. Consistent processes provide consistent quality good or bad.
Stable processes can be improved further by applying the principles of capability. Control charts help the user understand what is likely to occur next and when an
unstable condition takes place requiring study.

Control Chart methods are also taught in Lean Six Sigma courses, as they are a great benefit for those attempting to learn about a process for the purpose of improving
Many methods exist but the most commons ones are listed below:
- X bar and Range
- Individual moving range
- Multi-variant control charts
- C, np and u charts for attributes
Each chart method is selected based on the desired information needed.
Quality One Australia is the official distributor and consulting group for WinSPC software.
Capability is a term describing the processes ability to meet a specific specification. Indices such as Cp(k), Pp(k) describe how well a process is performing relative
to the specification. For example: a Cp(k)= 1.33 means that the process is performing to a 4 sigma level to the closest specification or put another way, the side of the
process distribution that is at most risk.
Cp(k) is used by many industries as a means of determining how well a process is performing. Key or Special characteristics are features that have the greatest benefit
to customer satisfaction and are directly related to a customer expectation. Statistical Process Control (SPC) by its’ name means that the process and its’ parameters
should be the primary items to monitor and control. Key or Special Characteristics which are dimensional, are one step away from the true critical control point which
is the process. We believe a fervent effort should be undertaken to find the process parameters (energy) at the machine or station that affect the dimensional
characteristics. Effort should also be taken to transfer control to the process and not the part.
Other indices also exist, each with their specific purpose and use. Cp(i), Pp, Cp(u) etc...
Quality One Australia has been and continues to be dedicated to the primary use of Statistical Process Control (SPC) for business improvement. These tried and true
methods should never be swept away for the latest initiative. To support the use of SPC in industry, Q1 provides training and mentoring in the proper understanding and
use of SPC. SPC can bring value and the Q1 team is experienced and dedicated to bringing the value of SPC to your industry.
Quality One Australia represents DataNet WinSPC in this region.
The following topics will be covered in the SPC training in detail:
- What is SPC?
- SPC - History
- Why SPC?
- The 7 SPC tools
- Check Sheets
- Pareto Charts
- Cause and Effect diagram
- Control charts
- Histogram
- Process Capability Studies
- Scatter diagram
- What SPC tool(s) should you use during process improvements?
- The Do’s and Don’ts of an SPC implementation
- How can you make SPC work for you?
- How can WinSPC help with your SPC needs?
SPC Training Details
Duration: 2 Days
Format: Public Courses or On site at your facility
Pricing Public Courses: $1600+GST per participant (Australia Pricing Only). Click here for the next public training course in SPC.
Pricing Onsite: Price on Application
Online SPC Training: Coming Soon.
SPC Training Contact: Click here to enquire and email your SPC Training Enquiry
SPC Training Locations
SPC Public Training Courses:
- Virtual
New Zealand
United States
On Site:
On site SPC training is available globally. Quality One can have a trainer on site at your facilities delivering the SPC course over 2 days. Through our global offices Quality One has delivered training and consulting in Australia, Canada, China, Europe, India, Japan, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Laos, New Zealand, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, USA.
SPC training can be delivered in English or Mandarin. Quality One trainers are experienced in working with translators to deliver training – allow three to fours days for training if translators are required.
SPC training materials can be translated to the required language. Materials can be delivered in your chosen language or in both English and your chosen language.
To receive a quote on delivery SPC training on site Click here and fill in the questions on the email.
Alternately fill in the form on the Quality One contact page to enquire about on site SPC training.